Aideen Paul, Principal of The Carrowkennedy National School

The staff and pupils of Carrakennedy NS were absolutely delighted to have been chosen to partake in the Primary School Sampler Module Languages Connect in Term 1. It was a fantastic programme and the children really enjoyed the sessions with Douglas from Westport Language School. This six week pilot project awarded the children an opportunity to explore the basics of French and Spanish in a fun and engaging way. They made great progress in the few weeks and were very proud of all they achieved. The children have developed a really positive attitude towards languages before moving to secondary school. We are hopeful that in the future “Language Connect” will become part of the primary curriculum. 

Kevin Munnelly, Headteacher at St Colmcille’s National School

Last year the Department of Education announced a new language sampler module for primary school pupils. St Colmcille’s NS completed an application in June and were delighted to have been chosen as one of the pilot schools for the module. As part of the programme, the school received funding to provide foreign language classes to students from 4th to 6th class.

These classes took place over a six week period with the focus on French. We were very lucky to have Douglas Whittaker from Westport Language School as our tutor for the six weeks. The programme allowed the pupils to experience a new language and to generate an awareness of other languages thus allowing for greater inclusion and appreciation of diversity. Douglas had a great way with the pupils and brought great excitement and energy to the classroom. The boys and girls really enjoyed the whole experience. A huge thank you to Douglas for his time.

From Y Parent to J age 9

The French lessons are fantastic, well structured and dynamic. My 9 year old son enjoys the lessons and was even asking during the summer break when he will be back to French. We have French speaking friends & he is happy to speak a little bit with them.

Without any doubt I recommend these lessons for any child that wants to learn in a relaxed & nice environment

From D – Parent to C age 10

My daughter thoroughly enjoyed the online French classes. The convenience of being able to do them at home was great too. She is able to say all the basics in French and is now even helping her brother that has just started in 1st Year!!!

I can see how beneficial the classes will be to her when she starts Secondary School herself. She is really looking forward to starting the next term.