Mayo Business Awards Finalist 2023

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Westport Language School is a finalist in the Mayo Business Awards 2023.

We are one of three shortlisted finalists in the category ‘The Best Emerging Business’.

The Awards are the highlight of the ‘Mayo Business Calendar’ and a flagship annual event giving local businesses the opportunity to be recognised and rewarded for their dedication, investment, accomplishments and hard work.

The Finalists Ceremony takes place at Great National Hotel Ballina on Friday 10th November 2023.

Meet inspirational 10-year-old Mayo boy who already speaks four languages!

SHELDON Coyne from Westport couldn’t wait to get back to school this past week and continue his language learning journey, and he’s well on his way to becoming a superstar linguist.

A pupil at Scoil Phadraig, Sheldon started complementing languages at school by studying Spanish two years ago online with local Westport Language School. He loved it so much that took up French as well.

“Our brains are made so that we can handle learning one or more languages at the same time – lots of dedication and practice also help. In some parts of the world, learning multiple languages is normal. Even at school some children learn and speak another language that isn’t spoken at home, in fact some families only speak one language at home and within their community”, says Douglas Whittaker, owner of Westport Language School.

Mum Brigita, who speaks Lithuanian at home with Sheldon, said: “I am so proud of Sheldon’s thirst for wanting to learn new languages, he takes it all in his stride! In today’s world, I feel it is so valuable to speak additional languages as in the future it will open doors to many more opportunities.”

Douglas teaches the award-winning La Jolie Ronde course, which sees pupils learn in classes organised by age group, following the structured and progressive programme. Classes are taught through fun activities using games, songs, stories, roleplays and puppets, in a positive and supportive way. Each child also receives an accompanying activity book plus access to the Media App to enable them to have fun practicing at home whilst giving parents plus other family members the opportunity to have a go themselves.

“Young children have a wonderful advantage in that they pick up languages with ease. When they are exposed to language in an engaging and interactive way they learn in a fun and pressure-free environment.

“Learning becomes a thoroughly positive experience and by the time the child begins secondary school their foundation of language learning will provide them with a significant head start. Sheldon is a prime example and his ability and desire to learn are outstanding,” said Douglas.

Sheldon passed both the French Salut Céline et Antoine and ¡Hola, Pedro y Carmen! Spanish programmes with flying colours and has already signed up to do the advanced programmes that Westport Languages teach.

“Douglas is amazing at teaching and makes sure we all have fun as well, he makes it so easy and memorable I think learning a foreign language is very good for someone my age because I think it will be very useful in the future because I am planning to travel a lot around the world,” said Sheldon.

Originally appeared in Con Telegraph

Mayo schools get green light for pilot scheme to learn European languages

SOME 500 primary schools throughout Ireland have received confirmation of their participation in the Say ‘Yes’ to Languages Primary School Language Sampler Module.

A huge number of applications were logged and, as a result, over 500 schools will be involved during the 2021/22 school term. Due to the high level of demand, the scheme will be rolled out across the three terms with the first modules starting in November in over 150 primary schools across the country.

For one local Mayo language school, it is a much-needed boost for language learning for children and a positive move in the right direction for schools.

Douglas Whittaker, owner of Westport Language School, teaches extracurricular French and Spanish to local children in Westport. He says: “In recent weeks languages have been in the news more than ever and with the European Day of Languages on September 26, this positive news couldn’t have come at a better time.

“The Taoiseach has acknowledged the importance of learning European languages and wants them to be introduced at primary school level. This pilot scheme has enabled hundreds of schools to apply for funding and for tutors – such as myself – to deliver good quality classes during their school weekly timetable. In the past, due to budget constraints, plus lack of specialist language teachers, classes were not able to be offered.

“I am proud to have been approached by local schools St. Colmcille’s National School, Brackloon National School, St. Brendan’s National School and Carrakennedy National School who have all been given the ‘green light’ and elated that they wish Westport Language School to deliver their language lessons.”

The Languages Connect Sampler Module will facilitate participating schools to introduce their pupils to a Modern Foreign Language of their choice or Irish Sign Language (ISL). The modules will take place over a six-week period for up to one hour a week, within the normal timetable, and is targeted at third to sixth class pupils.

Commented Kevin Munnelly, headteacher at St. Colmcille’s NS in Westport: “We are thrilled to have been selected for the pilot funding and delighted to be able to add French or Spanish classes to our weekly schedule.”

Douglas’s classes operate in and around the Westport area, for children aged 5 to 15 years, and are built on the belief that language learning is for everyone.

“In today’s world never has it been more valuable to speak a foreign language, yet it is considered a challenging school subject. At Westport Language School, we aim to dispel the misconceptions and inspire a passion for languages.

“Languages are fun, but only when children feel confident and enjoy learning,” says Douglas.

“In my language classes, I make it a priority for my students to learn not only the language with a focus on listening and speaking but, also about the country and its culture showing them how diverse and wonderful the world is.”

Westport Language School offers carefully personalised primary and secondary tuition for all abilities. Particularly valuable for secondary school students who are feeling out of their depth with language learning, the nurturing and professional nature of the classes ensure rapid progress and motivated learners.

Added Douglas: “I first developed my love of languages at the age of 21 when, as a student, I went to work for Marks and Spencer in Paris and from that moment I became hooked but not only on the language but also on the culture and diversity which these fascinating countries bring. It’s the same reason so many visitors come to Ireland…the Irish culture is so rich.

“The experience I had when I went to work and travel around France and South American for 10 years is what I want to bring to Westport Language School. This diverse culture of the French and Spanish speaking world, geography, food, music, literature, sports, all these elements add richness and get kids hooked.

“It’s not just a language it’s a whole fascinating world of experience.”

Brendan Tunney, principal at Brackloon National School, expressed his excitement, adding: “Douglas at Westport Language School was our ‘go to’ tutor and we are excited for him to deliver classes from November.”

Article originally appeared in the Connaught Telegraph

Mayo children’s French connection with the Olympics

AFTER a long wait the Olympics are finally back and with millions watching the opening ceremony on TV, for local children in Co. Mayo it was no surprise that much of the coverage was conducted in French.

Pupils who attend Westport Language School have been learning about the Olympics and why French is the first language due to Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, who founded the International Olympic Committee and planned the first modern games which took place in Athens in 1896. With French the language of diplomacy at the time plus, likely due to Coubertin’s French roots, it was made the first official language of the games, with English second, as decided in Article 23 of the Olympic charter.

Owner of Westport Language School, Douglas Whittaker says: “In recent weeks languages have been in the news more than ever. The Taoiseach has acknowledged the importance of learning European languages and wants them to be introduced at primary school level.

“A pilot scheme has been introduced enabling 100 schools to apply for funding to deliver classes during their school weekly timetable and many local schools are excited to participate. Plus, now we have the Olympics showcasing athletes and different languages from around the globe.

“In my language classes, I make it a priority for my students to learn not only the language with a focus on listening and speaking but, also about the country and its culture, showing them how diverse and wonderful the world is. The Olympics has certainly highlighted the French connection.”

Douglas’s classes operate in and around the Westport area, for children aged 5 – 15 years, and are built on the belief that language learning is for everyone.

“In today’s world never has it been more valuable to speak a foreign language, yet it is considered a challenging school subject. At Westport Language School, we aim to dispel the misconceptions and inspire a passion for languages. Languages are fun, but only when children feel confident and enjoy learning.”

Douglas teaches the award winning La Jolie Ronde course, which sees pupils learn in classes organised by age group following the structured and progressive programme. Classes are taught through fun songs and activities using games, stories and role plays in a positive and supportive learning environment. Each child also receives an accompanying activity book plus access to the Media App to enable them to have fun practicing at home whilst giving parents plus other family members the opportunity to have a go themselves.

Douglas commented: “It’s wonderful to see the Olympics inspiring the younger generation not only with the sporting events but also educating the young people culturally. Seeing the variety of cultures, races, and people groups shows children how there’s a much bigger world out there.

“With languages, children have a wonderful advantage in that they pick up languages with ease. When they are exposed to language in an engaging and interactive way they learn in a fun and pressure free environment. Learning becomes a thoroughly positive experience and by the time the child begins secondary school their foundation of language learning will provide them with a significant head start which helps them enormously as they progress with their careers.”

Westport Language School offers carefully personalised tuition for all abilities. Particularly valuable for secondary school students who are feeling out of their depth with language learning, the nurturing and professional nature of the classes ensure rapid progress and motivated learners.

Article originally appeared in the Connaught Telegraph